How To Get Rid Of Back Acne

Acne is a common skin condition caused by blocked hair follicles, leading to pimples or zits. The sebum is an oil that keeps skin from drying, and dead skin cells block pores. The typical acne-causing bacteria thrive in clogged follicles, resulting in inflammation, swelling, redness, heat, and discomfort. When the follicular wall breaks down, germs, skin cells, and sebum pour out onto adjacent skin, producing pimples.

Acne affects people of all races and ages, yet it is most common among teenagers and young adults. Acne in teenage boys is more common. It is a reality that acne can persist during adulthood, and it primarily affects women. In this blog, we will guide you on how to get rid of back acne in 12 easy steps.

What is "Back Acne"?

Back acne appears on your upper back and shoulders, which have the most sebaceous glands. It is quite prevalent and can manifest as pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, or more serious cystic acne.

Like all other types of acne, back acne is caused by blocked hair follicles below the skin. Overproduction of oil (sebum), bacterial formation, and irritation of oil-producing glands can all contribute to pimple growth. Also, as the pores on the back are much larger than those on the face, they may get blocked more efficiently, setting up for an extreme breakout.

Causes of Back Acne

  1. Hormonal Changes: Women undergoing pregnancy and adolescents going through puberty are characterized by eye-catching skin problems called bacne and the outbreaking of pimples as a result of hormonal changes in the body.

  2. Excessive Sweating: Oversweating during summer months and due to regular workouts can lead to acne caused by blocked pores.

  3. Hair Products: Long, beautiful hair is a sign of hair products that are oily and slowly drop the oil down the back, thus creating acne.

  4. Friction: Carrying backpacks/sports equipment or tight dresses that do not allow the skin to breathe also get in contact/knock with sweaty skin and cause the blockage of the pores by friction.

  5. Skincare Products: Perfumes and comedogenic substances in shower gels and body lotions inflame and occlude pores.

  6. Stress and Anxiety: Since it relates to cortisol production, with a higher cortisol level, the glands get overstimulated to produce more oil.

Types of Back Acne:

  1. Mild

  2. Moderate

  3. Severe

How To Get Rid of Back Acne: Simple Steps to Clear Skin

1) Level Up Your Shower Routine: Switch to a new body wash. The ingredients to look for on the bottle should be either "Salicylic Acid" or "Lactic Acid." These ingredients fight acne. You can also use Ubtan for your back acne, as it is a natural solution. 

Light Up Beauty’s Flash Ubtan Powder is the modern take on our traditional Ubtan. It is a facial and body powder wash called ‘The 3 Minute Facial’ at home. It is enriched with ingredients like Vigna Mungo, Marigold, and Goat’s Milk, which nourish your skin, exfoliate it gently, and instantly give you brighter-looking skin.

2) Post-Workout Wash: Please get in the shower ASAP: Sweat is a significant contributor to back acne, so wash it off as soon as possible after exercise.

3) Avoid hair products: Shampoo and conditioner can clog your pores, so keep them off your back.

4) Scrub-a-dub-dub: Use a gentle body scrub a few times weekly to rid your skin of dead cells and prevent blackheads.

5) Moisturize Smoothly: Pick a moisturizer that isn't going to clog your pores and is on the light side. For acne and acne-prone skin, look for products labelled "non-comedogenic."

6) Acne-fighting lotions: Some moisturizers have ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, which will help clear up acne.

7) Please resist the urge to pick: Picking at your pimples can make them worse and cause scars.

8) Try acne treatments: Apply benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid products to your pimples instead of picking.

9) Be careful with benzoyl peroxide: It can kill acne-causing bacteria but also dry out your skin.

10) Change your clothes: Wear clean clothes and change out of sweaty workout clothes as soon as possible.

11) Loose is best: Tight clothes can rub on your skin and irritate it. Wear looser clothing.

12) Seek professional help: If acne on your back is severe or won't heal, see a dermatologist. They can prescribe more potent treatments.