How to Brighten Skin

How to brighten skin? That's everyone’s dream, right? Who wouldn’t want skin that is spot-free, even-toned, plump, and healthy-looking? Getting there is not a very tough task but one that requires adapting habits in your day-to-day life and sticking to them regularly. Consistently making small efforts brings about a big difference with time. Finding skincare that suits your skin and works for you can be challenging, and sticking to that if you find one can be even more difficult. The tip is to keep it simple so that you can stick to it on a regular basis.

A Cleanse with face wash, Treat with serum, Moisturize with cream, Protect with SPF (CTMP) routine in the morning, and a Cleanse with face wash, Treat with Serum, Moisturize with cream (CTM) routine at night is simple and can be followed every day. Along with this everyday routine, it is also important to incorporate a deep cleansing or exfoliating routine 2 to 3 times a week to get rid of dead cells and keep skin fresh. 

Here are some tips for how to brighten skin

  • A balanced Diet

Every eating habit has an impact on our body in many ways, and this is also true for our skin. For example, if you eat fried food today, a pimple will likely pop up on your cheeks the next day. Food is what keeps everything in our bodies functioning. Both our skin and our general health are directly and visibly impacted by the foods and foods we choose to eat and avoid. A healthy diet not only promotes physical health but also visibly healthy skin, it has the power to change the appearance of your skin dramatically.

  • Regular Exercise

Sweat from exercising helps flush out toxins from the body, which keeps the skin clear. Exercising regularly increases blood flow in the body and increases oxygen supply to the skin, which makes your skin bright and healthy. It also reduces stress, which may appear on the skin in the form of acne. You should exercise at least 30 minutes and about 4 times a week. It is also important to stay hydrated when sweating. With regular exercise, your skin will look more radiant and fresh.

  • SPF

After all the hard work and layers of skin care you put in, sunscreen is a must to maintain that glow. Your skin can become dull and tanned after just 30 minutes in the sun, and its glow may vanish completely. Isn't that a little extreme? Well, no, because sun damage is very real. Choosing a sunscreen with a high SPF and broad spectrum protection is crucial. If your sunscreen contains Vitamin C, it's a win-win situation. For further brightness, apply a Vitamin C serum underneath your sunscreen and moisturizer.

  • Vitamin C

As a potent antioxidant, Vitamin C works by fighting free radicals, which harm skin cells and result in wrinkles, dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone. Vitamin C addresses all of these skin issues by fighting these dangerous free radicals. It helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promotes collagen production, and eliminates pigmentation and dark spots from the skin, revealing a more even tone. Because of the way that Vitamin C functions, it is the best ingredient for brightening skin. It can be used in a serum, a moisturizing cream, or a Vitamin C sunscreen.

  • Hydrate 

Keeping your skin hydrated is very important, no matter the skin type. Whether you have dry skin or oily skin, it is important to keep your skin hydrated. The best way is to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Other than water, including hydrating ingredients in your skincare, such as Hyaluronic Acid and Ceramides in the form of a hydrating serum, and locking in that moisture with a hydrating cream will ensure your skin stays hydrated throughout the day. 

  • Exfoliate 

For bright skin, it is important to exfoliate regularly, about 2 to 3 times a week. You can opt for a clay mask as they deep clean the pores removing excess oil and controlling sebum production. Consistent use of exfoliating masks on the skin has visible brightening benefits as dead skin cells are removed. Beam Glacial Glow Mud by Light Up Beauty makes for a good clay mask that you can incorporate into your skincare routine for a bright glow.

Also Read: Natural Face Pack for Glowing Skin

How to brighten skin using THD and What is THD Ascorbate?

THD Ascorbate, or the Gold Standard of Vitamin C, is the solution to the con of Vitamin C usually found in skincare products. It is unstable and can irritate sensitive skin. The Gold Standard of Vitamin C is a stable variant that is gentle on the skin and is also 50x more effective than the usual Vitamin C or the L Ascorbic Acid. Vitamin C has amazing skin-brightening properties; it targets and treats specific skin concerns such as wrinkles, pigmentation, dark spots, dull and tired skin, and uneven skin tone. People with sensitive skin types cannot fully benefit from the amazing properties of Vitamin C due to its unstable nature, which irritates the skin. However, the Gold Standard of Vitamin C eliminates this problem due to its stable nature. Not only it’s gentle on the skin, but it also is more effective and penetrates deeper layers of the skin. Light Up Beauty is the first Indian Brand to come up with this premium version of Vitamin C in its skincare lineup - Blaze Vitamin C Glow Serum, Prism Vitamin C cream, and Gold Rush Vitamin C sunscreen with SPF 60

Conclusion :  

Bright skin is one free from any skin issues and is even toned, plump, fresh, and healthy looking. Small, consistent efforts and lifestyle habit changes help achieve bright skin. The key is to follow the simple CTMP (Cleanse, Treat, Moisturize, and Protect) routine in the morning and a CTM (Cleanse, Treat, Moisturize) routine at night and to stick to this every day.

Keep in mind these points if you are searching for how to brighten skin

  • Consume a balanced diet every day, avoiding unhealthy foods as food habits show a direct impact on the skin.
  • Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes as it flushes out toxins and keeps your skin clear.
  • Do not forget to apply sunscreen every day for protection against sun damage such as tanning and dull skin.
  • Vitamin C is a powerful Antioxidant that you should incorporate into your skincare routine as it fights signs of aging, dark spots, and dull skin.
  • Keep yourself hydrated, drink plenty of water, and use a hydrating serum and cream to ensure hydration throughout the day.
  • Exfoliate using a clay mask 2 to 3 times a week as it deep cleanses the skin by removing dead cells and revealing bright and glowy skin.

Vitamin C can be a potential irritant to sensitive skin, so instead, you should opt for the Gold Standard of Vitamin C or THD Ascorbate - a gentle and more effective variant of the traditional Vitamin C. Light Up Beauty’s skincare lineup - Blaze Vitamin C Face Glow Serum, Prism Vitamin C face glow cream and Gold Rush Vitamin C sunscreen features this premium version and is the first Indian brand to come up with this.

Follow these tips, and you’ll find the answer to how to brighten skin in no time.