Natural Face Pack for Glowing Skin

Let's get real for a minute. We all want that gorgeous, radiant glow that makes people say, "Wow!" Am I right, or am I right? But have you noticed how those fancy skincare products loaded with chemicals often end up making our skin angrier than a mother-in-law who's been denied her daily soap opera? Well, it's time to turn to the real OGs of glowing skin – our very own kitchen-made natural face pack for glowing skin! These humble home-cooked concoctions have been brightening up Indian faces for generations, and they work like magic. 

The Magic Recipes for Natural Face Pack for Glowing Skin

  • Let's start with the queen of all face packs – ubtan or ubtana. While an Ubtan is the most versatile face pack you can have for yourselves, its most basic form is a mix of besan, haldi and milk - an absolute game-changer for dull, lifeless skin. While the besan gently scrubs away all that dead skin, haldi adds its anti-inflammatory magic to calm any redness or inflammation on the skin. Slather this golden potion all over your face, and you'll be glowing brighter than a new bride!
  • If oily skin is your frenemy, then multani mitti and rose water are here to be your saviors. This calming clay and floral water combo does a stellar job of soaking up excess oil and grime without making your face feel like a stretched-out rubber band. Say hello to clear and polished skin!
  • Now, let's give a shout-out to the dynamic duo of honey and lemon. This sweet and tangy pair is a dark spot's worst nightmare! While the honey quenches your skin's thirst, the lemon works overtime to brighten up any dull areas and even out your complexion. Get ready to glow like a sunny winter morning!
  • If you've had a rough day dealing with the harsh summer weather, there's no better pick-me-up than an aloe and cucumber pack. Aloe vera is like a big, soothing hug for angry, sunburnt skin, while cucumber plays the role of a portable AC unit, instantly cooling down any redness or swelling. Chill, refreshed skin - check!  
  • Last but not least, let's raise a toast to the dream team of papaya and honey. While papaya's enzymes gently nibble away at dead skin, honey lavishes your fresh new face with a luxurious moisture boost. Hello, baby-soft glowing skin!

Also Read: Top Vitamin C Serum Benefits for Your Skin

But it would help if you also kept in mind :  

Achieving that covetable glow isn't just about a natural face pack for glowing skin. It's a whole lifestyle thingamabob. Chug down tons of water to flush out toxins, catch up on that beauty sleep, and fuel up on a diet packed with all the important nutrients. And most importantly, don't forget to slather on that sunscreen before stepping out in the blistering summer heat. That ghastly tanning is not the glow we're aiming for!

So there you have it. The secret to naturally glowing skin has been hiding in our very own kitchen all along. It's time to embrace these humble, home-cooked natural face pack for glowing skin and let your inner radiance shine through. Because at the end of the day, true beauty has to glow from the insides.

Why Should You Choose Ready To Use Ubtan?

Apart from speaking highly of these natural homemade masks, there are a few cons with these. With your busy day-to-day life, it gets difficult to find the time and the energy to put the effort into making these magic potions. So the simple solution is to find a ready-made powder wash that you can just mix with water or milk, and Ta - Da! Your all-natural mask is ready without time and effort but with excellent efficiency. Light Up Beauty’s Flash Ubtan powder is an ideal choice for those looking to get a natural glow but do not have the time or the energy to go to the kitchen, collect ingredients, and become a chef! It has natural ingredients such as Hibiscus, Rose, Gotukola (Centella Asiatica), Goat’s Milk, Guava, and New Zealand Glacial Clay.

Features of flash ubtan powder face wash

It is very easy to make; just scoop out 2 to 3 teaspoons of the Flash Ubtan, mix it with plain water or milk as per your preference, and it is ready to use! You do not need to wait for a long 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off because it works in just 3 minutes, revealing Bright, Glowy skin without stripping off moisture, which is another con with homemade masks - they are often very drying because they strip the skin off of its natural oils in the name of deep pore cleaning which is not the case with Flash Ubtan, it is very hydrating and calming on the skin.